je / j’ | I |
tu | you |
il, elle | he, she |
nous | we |
vous | you |
ills, elles | they |
Used only with a noun.
This is my car.
You choose a pronoun according to the NOUN.
C’est mon ami.
mon (m), ami (m)
C’est ma voiture.
ma (f), voiture (f)
mon, ma, mes | my |
ton, ta, tes | your |
son, sa, ses | his / her |
notre, notre, nos | our |
votre, votre, vos | your |
leur, leur, leurs | their |
Before a vowel or a silent h, the determiners ma, ta, and sa become mon, ton, and son.
- Example:
- Je cherche
Je cherche mon amie
C’est mon café. | It is my coffee. |
C’est ton argent. | It is your money. |
C’est son chien. | It is his / her dog. |
C’est notre tasse. | It is our cup. |
C’est votre jus. | It is your juice. |
C’est leur salade. | It is their salad. |
Used only without a noun.
This car is mine.
le mien, la mienne | mine |
le tien, la tienne | yours |
le sien, la sienne | his, hers |
le nôtre, la nôtre | ours |
le vôtre | yours |
le leur | theirs |
When plural just add -s:
les miens, les miennes | mine |
les tiens, les tiennes | yours |
Le café est le mien. | The coffee is mine. |
L’argent est le tien. | The money is yours. |
Le chien est le sien. | The dog is his/hers. |
La tasse est la nôtre. | The cup is ours. |
Le jus est le vôtre. | The juice is yours. |
La salade est la leur. | The salad is theirs. |
C’est à moi. | It is mine. |
C’est à toi. | It is yours. |
C’est le sien. | It is his / hers. |
C’est la sienne. | It is ours. |
C’est le nôtre. | It is yours. |
Il est à eux. | It is theirs. |
de / of
To show that one noun contains another or to indicate the quality, the essence of the subject.
l’école de langues | school of languages |
la boîte de chocolat | box of chocolate |
le paquet de jus | pack of juice |
la portion de lait | portion of milk |
l’assiette de soupe | plate of soup |
1. Son mis bocadillos. | 1. These are my sandwiches. |
2. Es mi cuchara. | 2. This is my spoon. |
3. Es nuestra pregunta. | 3. This is our question. |
4. Esos platos no son suyos. | 4. Those plates are not theirs. |
5. ¿Este coche es tuyo? | 5. Is this car yours? |
6. Su café y mi ensalada. | 6. His coffee and my salad. |
7. Esta es mi amiga. | 7. This is my friend. |
8. Su casa y su oficina. | 8. His house and her office. |
9. Esta pizza fría es suya. | 9. This cold pizza is his. |
10. Este avión es suyo. | 10. This plane is theirs. |
1. Mi sopa está caliente. | 1. My soup is hot. |
2. Mi casa es tu casa. | 2. My home is your home. |
3. Eso es mi té y tuyo está aquí. | 3. That’s my tea and yours is here. |
4. No es tu plato, es mío. | 4. It is not your plate, it is mine. |
5. Vamos a mi cafetería. | 5. Let’s go to my cafeteria. |
6. Sus manzanas son las más deliciosas. | 6. Their apples are the most delicious. |
7. ¿Tu ensalada es sin queso? ¿Quieres tomar mía? | 7. Is your salad without cheese? Do you want to take mine? |
8. Esta porción es suya. | 8. This portion is yours. |
9. Nuestro té es frío y su agua es caliente. | 9. Our tea is cold and her water is hot. |
10. Mi hermano es mi mejor amigo. | 10. My brother is my best friend. |
Relative adjectives like cuyo
Cuyo Forms
Cuyo, which translates to whose, always agrees with the noun it refers to in gender and number and has four different forms.
Masculine Singular | Masculine Plural | Feminine Singular | Feminine Plural |
cuyo | cuyos | cuya | cuyas |
Cuyo contrasts with relative pronouns because it agrees in number and gender with the possessed noun, not the possessor. For example, in the first sentence below, cuyo agrees with gato (the possessed noun), not hermana (the possessor).
Cuyo Examples
Es mi hermana cuyo gato se fue. She’s my sister whose cat ran away. |
Los niños, cuyas manos están sucias, tienen que lavarse. The children, whose hands are dirty, need to wash up. |
Esta es la familia cuya casa es tan grande. This is the family whose house is so big. |
Mi vecino, cuyos gatos siempre me molestan, está en Francia. My neighbor, whose cats always annoy me, is in France. |
Taylor es la artista cuyas obras están en Nueva York. Taylor is the artist whose art is in New York. |
INDIRECTO is an action towards some person or object. Action with direction.
Can be identified with a question “to whom?”
to whom
me / m’ | to me |
te / t’ | to you |
lui | to him, to her, to You |
nous | to us |
vous | to you (pl), You (p) |
leur | to them |
We put these words BEFORE verbs.
Elle me donne une pomme. | She gives me an apple. |
Elle te donne une pomme. | She gives you an apple. |
Elle lui donne une pomme. | She gives her/him an apple. |
Elle nous donne une pomme. | Se gives us an apple. |
Elle vous donne une pomme. | She gives you an apple. |
Elle leur donne une pomme. | She gives them an apple. |
If you have a name of a person or a noun then you use a particle “à” which shows direction.
Par exemple:
Elle donne une pomme à Pierre.
Elle lui donne une pomme.
Il explique un exercice à sa mère.
Il lui explique un exercice.
Elle dit la vérité à ses amis.
Elle leur dit la vérité.

1. Son mis bocadillos. | 1. These are my sandwiches. |
2. Es mi cuchara. | 2. This is my spoon. |
3. Es nuestra pregunta. | 3. This is our question. |
4. Esos platos no son suyos. | 4. Those plates are not theirs. |
5. ¿Este coche es tuyo? | 5. Is this car yours? |
6. Su café y mi ensalada. | 6. His coffee and my salad. |
7. Esta es mi amiga. | 7. This is my friend. |
8. Su casa y su oficina. | 8. His house and her office. |
9. Esta pizza fría es suya. | 9. This cold pizza is his. |
10. Este avión es suyo. | 10. This plane is theirs. |
1. Mi sopa está caliente. | 1. My soup is hot. |
2. Mi casa es tu casa. | 2. My home is your home. |
3. Eso es mi té y tuyo está aquí. | 3. That’s my tea and yours is here. |
4. No es tu plato, es mío. | 4. It is not your plate, it is mine. |
5. Vamos a mi cafetería. | 5. Let’s go to my cafeteria. |
6. Sus manzanas son las más deliciosas. | 6. Their apples are the most delicious. |
7. ¿Tu ensalada es sin queso? ¿Quieres tomar mía? | 7. Is your salad without cheese? Do you want to take mine? |
8. Esta porción es suya. | 8. This portion is yours. |
9. Nuestro té es frío y su agua es caliente. | 9. Our tea is cold and her water is hot. |
10. Mi hermano es mi mejor amigo. | 10. My brother is my best friend. |
DIRECT is an action over some person or object. Action with influence.
Can be identified with the question “whom?”.
The only difference in grammar between directo and indirecto is in 2 words marked in bold in the table below: him / her and them.
to whom
me / m’ | me |
te / t’ | you |
le / l’, la / l’ | him, her |
nous | us |
vous | you |
les | them |
We put these words BEFORE verbs.
Elle m’invite. | She invites me. |
Elle t’invite. | She invites you. |
Elle l’invite. | She intvites her / him. |
Elle nous invite. | She invites us. |
Elle vous invite. | She invites you. |
Elle les invite. | She invites them. |
When we have several verbs we put a “pronom” before the main one:
Par example:
Je te donne une pomme.
Je veux te donner une pomme.
Elle m’invite.
Elle veut m’inviter.
When we have direct and indirect pronouns:
1) indirect + direct
when pronouns are different from different forms
Je te le donne.
I give you this.
2) direct + indirect
when both pronouns are 3rd form
Je le lui donne.
I give you this.
The partitive pronoun en is used to replace a noun phrase that begins with du, de, or des, or a noun phrase that refers to a quantity of something.
– As-you du pain?
– Oui, j’en ai.
– Avez-vous des enfants?
– Oui, j’en ai deux.
– Avos-vous une voiture?
– Non, je n’en ai pas.
The pronoun y is used to replace a noun phrase that begins with à or when talking about a place.
Nous allons à Paris.
Nous y allons.
(We go there.)

1. Son mis bocadillos. | 1. These are my sandwiches. |
2. Es mi cuchara. | 2. This is my spoon. |
3. Es nuestra pregunta. | 3. This is our question. |
4. Esos platos no son suyos. | 4. Those plates are not theirs. |
5. ¿Este coche es tuyo? | 5. Is this car yours? |
6. Su café y mi ensalada. | 6. His coffee and my salad. |
7. Esta es mi amiga. | 7. This is my friend. |
8. Su casa y su oficina. | 8. His house and her office. |
9. Esta pizza fría es suya. | 9. This cold pizza is his. |
10. Este avión es suyo. | 10. This plane is theirs. |
1. Mi sopa está caliente. | 1. My soup is hot. |
2. Mi casa es tu casa. | 2. My home is your home. |
3. Eso es mi té y tuyo está aquí. | 3. That’s my tea and yours is here. |
4. No es tu plato, es mío. | 4. It is not your plate, it is mine. |
5. Vamos a mi cafetería. | 5. Let’s go to my cafeteria. |
6. Sus manzanas son las más deliciosas. | 6. Their apples are the most delicious. |
7. ¿Tu ensalada es sin queso? ¿Quieres tomar mía? | 7. Is your salad without cheese? Do you want to take mine? |
8. Esta porción es suya. | 8. This portion is yours. |
9. Nuestro té es frío y su agua es caliente. | 9. Our tea is cold and her water is hot. |
10. Mi hermano es mi mejor amigo. | 10. My brother is my best friend. |
We us reflexive pronouns to talk about ourselves. When we do an aciton directed to us. For example, wash (se laver), wake up (se réveiller). They always go with a verb.
je | me / m’ |
tu | te / t’ |
il, elle | se / s’ |
nous | nous |
vous | vous |
ils, elles | se / s’ |
I wash. (myself)
Je me lave.
He shaves.(himself)
Il se rase.
My name is Cloe. (I call myself)
Je m’appelle Cloe.
Stand alone pronouns. It means that we use them as an independant word.
Usually we use them:
– imperative
– with connecting words
(and, or, with, without, etc.)
je | moi |
tu | toi |
il, elle | soi / lui / elle |
nous | nous |
vous | vous |
ils, elles | eux / elles / soi |
IMPERATIF (with dash)
Prépare-toi! (Prepare yourself!)
Réveillez-vous! (Wake up!)
Lavons-nous! (Let’s wash!)
Je veux aller avec toi.
I want to go with you.
Moi ou lui ou elle?
Me or him or her?
Voulez-vous travailler sans eux?
Do you want to work without them?