adulto | adult |
asustado | afraid|scared |
asombroso|increíble|maravilloso | amazing|incredible|wonderful |
enojado | angry |
ruidoso, molesto | annoying|irritating |
apropiado|adecuado | appropriate|suitable |
artificial | artificial |
avergonzado | ashamed |
atractivo | attractive |
impresionante|genial | awesome|cool |
malo | bad |
hermoso|bonito | beautiful |
amado | beloved |
mejor | best|the best |
grande | big|large |
negro | black |
blanco y negro | black-and-white |
azul | blue |
aburrido | boring |
valiente | brave |
brillante | bright |
roto | broken |
marrón | brown |
ocupado | busy |
calma | calm |
barato | cheap |
limpio | clean |
cercano | close (person) |
frio | cold |
vistoso | colorful |
cómodo | comfortable|convenient |
comunicativo | communicative |
complicado | complicated |
confidente | confident |
frio | cool |
correcto | correct |
creativo | creative |
lleno de gente | crowded |
lindo | cute |
peligroso | dangerous |
oscuro | dark |
profundo | deep |
delicioso|sabroso | delicious|tasty |
deprimido | depressed |
depresivo | depressive |
diferente | different |
difícil|duro | difficult|hard |
sucio | dirty |
decepcionado | disappointed |
seco | dry |
fácil|simple | easy |
emocional | emotional |
vácio | empty |
emocionado | excited |
emocionante | exciting |
caro | expensive |
experimentado|hábil | experienced|skillful |
familiar | familiar |
famoso | famous|well-known|popular |
lejos | far away |
rápido | fast|quick |
gordo | fat |
favorito | favorite |
exterior | foreign |
gratis | free |
gratis | free|free of charge |
fresco | fresh |
lleno | full |
gracioso | funny |
gracioso | funny |
dorado | golden |
bueno | good |
estupendo | great |
verde | green |
gris | grey|gray |
práctico | handy |
feliz | happy |
duro|difícil | hard|difficult |
trabajo duro | hard-working |
saludable | healthy |
pesado | heavy |
alto (cosa) | high |
honesto | honest |
caliente | hot |
caliente | hot |
enfermo | ill|sick |
descortés|grosero | impolite|rude |
importante | important |
imposible | impossible |
inconveniente | inconvenient |
interesante | interesting |
amable | kind |
perezoso | lazy |
legero | light |
claro | light |
azul claro | light blue|blue |
animado | lively |
solitario | lonely |
largo | long |
ruidoso | loud |
encantador | lovely|cute|nice |
bajo | low |
loco | mad|crazy |
principal|mayor | main |
casado | married |
medio | medium |
moderno | modern |
modesto|tímido | modest|shy |
estrecho | narrow |
natural | natural |
necesario | necessary|needed |
nervioso | nervous |
nuevo | new |
bonito | nice |
ruidoso | noisy |
no está mal | not bad |
No es sabroso | not tasty|disgusting |
viejo | old |
anticuado | old-fashioned |
naranjado|anaranjado | orange |
otro | other|another |
doloroso | painful |
perfecto | perfect |
rosado | pink |
cortés|educado | polite |
pobre | poor |
popular|famoso | popular|famous |
posible | possible |
práctico | practical |
profesional | professional |
tranquilo | quiet |
raro | rare |
real | real |
rojo | red |
relajado | relaxed |
responsable | responsible |
rico | rich |
redondo | round |
grosero | rude |
triste | sad |
seguro | safe |
salado | salty |
satisfecho | satisfied |
de miedo | scary |
serio | serious |
corto | short |
corto | short |
de plata | silver |
similar | similar |
simple | simple |
soltero | single|unmarried |
soñoliento | sleepy |
lento | slow |
pequeñо | small|little |
inteligente | smart|intelligent |
maloliente | smelly |
agrio | sour |
espacioso | spacious |
especial | special |
especial | special |
específico|cierto | specific|certain |
picante | spicy |
cuadrado | square |
derecho | straight |
extraño | strange |
extraño | strange |
estricto | strict |
fuerte | strong|powerful |
estúpido | stupid |
exitoso | successful |
sorprendido | surprised |
dulce | sweet |
talentoso|dotado | talented|gifted |
alto (persona) | tall |
terrible | terrible|horrible|awful |
lo mismo | the same|same |
grueso | thick |
delgado | thin |
cansado | tired |
menor de edad | underage |
inesperado | unexpected |
único | unique |
desconocido | unknown |
desagradable | unpleasant |
inexperto | unskilful |
inusual | unsusual |
usado | used |
útil | useful |
varios | various |
calido | warm |
débiles | weak |
bien conocido | well-known |
mojado | wet |
blanco | white |
amplio | wide |
preocupado | worried |
incorrecto | wrong|incorrect |
amarillo | yellow |
joven | young |
Each time the words are displayed in random order.
To pass again, just click “reset test” button.
Participio – is the alternative for the third form of an English verb. We use it when we want to form an adjective out of a verb.
1) trabajar – trabajado
2) comer – comido
3) vivir – vivido
abrir – abierto – opened
cubrir – cubierto – covered
escribir – escrito – written
volver – vuelto – returned
decir – dicho – said
poner – puesto – put
romper – roto – broken
ver – visto – seen
morir – muerto – died
hacer – hecho – done
La puerta está abierta. – The door is opened.
Las puertas están abiertas. – The doors are opened.
El parque está abierto. – The park is opened.
Los parques están abiertos. – The parks are opened.
1. Починайте речення із великої літери.
2. Вкінці ставте крапку.
3. У всіх мовах використовуйте особові займенники (я, ти, він, вона, ми, ви, вони)