Lección 1. Presente

yo | I |
tú | you |
él / ella | he / she |
nosotros, nosotras | we (m, f) |
vosotros, vosotras | you (m, f) |
ellos, ellas | they (m, f) |
f (feminine) – for women
m (masculine) – for men
ll – read as “yi”
v – read as “b”
“you” for two and more people
In Spanish gender of a noun is important because masculine and feminine nouns have different endings.
That’s why it is recommended to get used to the gender from the first lesson.

Always learn words together with articles. It’s important.
In the next lesson we’ll talk about articles in details.
el agua | water |
el agua con gas | sparkling water |
el agua sin gas | still water |
el jugo | juice |
el jugo fresco | fresh juice |
el té | tea |
el café | coffee |
la leche | milk |
You need to buy drinks.
(1) First subblock, 5 words
el agua – water
el agua con gas – sparkling water
el agua sin gas – or still water
el jugo – juice
el jugo fresco – or fresh juice
(2) Second subblock, 3 words
Or maybe something hot
el té – tea
el café – or coffee
la leche – with milk
Now activate your block.
Close the words. Say the name of the block and write down all the words you see in your imagination in order. It is important. Check them out.
la sopa | soup |
las patatas | potato |
el arroz | rice |
la ensalada | salad |
la carne | meat |
el pescado | fish |
el huevo | egg |
el bocadillo | sandwich |
el pan | bread |
la mantequilla | butter |
el queso | cheese |
Create on your own.
Уявіть, що ви йдете за покупками. Вам потрібно запам’ятати всі слова по порядку. Просто уявіть, як ви робите одну дію за одною:
(1) Перший підблок, 3 слова:
Ви хочете щось купити (buy).
Потім ви замовляєте це у продавця (order).
І потім ви платите (pay).
(2) Другий підблок, теж 3 слова:
Далі вам продавець дає ваш товар (give).
Ви його берете (take).
Та кладите у сумку (put).
Тепер активізуємо блок.
Закрийте всі слова. Скажіть вголос назву блоку – “Shopping” і подумайте про цей блок. В вашій уяві будуть з’являтись всі вивчені слова у чіткій послідовності. Запишіть їх на папері. Тепер переходьте до наступного блоку.
Уявіть напої. Вони просто смачнющі!
(1) Ви хочете випити чогось (drink). Холодної водички (water), соку (juice) або молока (milk).
(2) Або, можливо, чогось гарячого. Наприклад, чаю (tea) або кави (coffee).
Тепер активуйте цей блок
Закрийте слова. Скажіть назву блоку за запишіть всі слова, які ви бачите в уяві.
Тепер потрібно купити якоїсь їжі.
Уявіть собі ці два блоки.
Ви хочете поїсти.
І плануєте зробити бутерброд (sandwich).
Для цього вам потріно взяти хліб (bread), масло (butter) та смачний сир (cheese).
(2) Потім солодкі фрукти.
Велике яблуко (apple), бананчик (banana) та соковитий апельсин (orange).
Тепер активуйте цей блок
Закрийте слова. Скажіть назву блоку за запишіть всі слова, які ви бачите в уяві.
j – sounds as “h”
ll – sounds as “yi”
ch – sounds as English “ch”
qui – letter “u” is silent, we read “ki”
h – first “h” is silent

Step 1. Learn only vocabulary (indefinite) form of a verb.
Step 2. Write all verbs from your memory.
Step 1. Learn forms for I, you, he/she
Step 2. Learn forms for we, you, they
Step 3. Give all forms of verbs
to eat
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://zheltukhin.org/learn/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/comer.mp3″]
Yo | como | I eat. |
Tú | comes | You eat. |
Él/ella | come | (S)he eats. |
Nosotro(a)s | comemos | We eat. |
Vosotro(a)s | coméis | You eat. |
Ello(а)s | comen | They eat. |
to drink
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://zheltukhin.org/learn/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/beber.mp3″]
Yo | bebo | I drink. |
Tú | bebes | You drink. |
Él/ella | bebe | (S)he drinks. |
Nosotro(a)s | bebemos | We drink. |
Vosotro(a)s | bebéis | You drink. |
Ello(а)s | beben | They drink. |
to want
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://zheltukhin.org/learn/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/querer.mp3″]
Yo | quiero | I want. |
Tú | quieres | You want. |
Él/ella | quiere | (S)he wants. |
Nosotro(a)s | queremos | We want. |
Vosotro(a)s | queréis | You want. |
Ello(а)s | quieren | They want. |
qui – letter “u” is silent, we read “ki”
que – letter “u” is silent, we read “ke”
if a word ends with
vowel or letters n, s:
pre-last syllable
bebo, comen, nosotros
if a word ends with
consonant except n, s:
last syllable
Español, beber, comer
in a place where you have
the accent sign:
bebéis, coméis
Spanish present tense can stand for both Present Simple and Present Continuous.
Yo como.
Tú comes.
Él / Ella come.
Nosotros comemos.
Vosotros coméis.
Ellos comen.
I eat / am eating.
You eat / are eating.
S(he) eats / is eating.
We eat / are eating.
You eat / are eating.
They eat / are eating.
Almost always in Spanish we omit persons in a sentence. Because an ending of a verb already tells us about the person.
So, instead of a phrase:
“I eat. – Yo como.“
They say: “I eat. – Como“.
1. Сomo.
2. Сome.
3. Сomemos.
4. Beben.
5. Comes.
6. Bebéis.
7. Come.
8. Bebemos.
9. Bebe.
10. Beben.
11. Bebo.
12. Comemos.
1. I eat.
2. He / She eats.
3. We eat.
4. They drink.
5. You eat.
6. You drink.
7. He / She eats.
8. We drink.
9. He / She drinks.
10. They drink.
11. I drink.
12. We eat.

To build a question just add intonation and 2 question marks. At the beginning and at the end.
¿Tú comes? – Do you eat?
¿Qué tú comes? – What do you eat?

To build a negation add “no” before a verb.
“No” goes for everybody: for masculine and feminine.
Yo no bebo. – I don’t drink.
Ella no bebe. – She doesn’t drink.
1. Yo como el pan. | 1. I eat bread. |
2. Yo no como el pan. | 2. I don’t eat bread. |
3. ¿Yo como el pan? | 3. Do I eat bread? |
1. Tú bebes el jugo. | 1. You drink juice. |
2. Tú no bebes el jugo. | 2. You don’t drink juice. |
3. ¿Tú bebes el jugo? | 3. Do you drink juice? |
When we put two verbs together we do the next:
– first verb we change according to the person;
– second verb we do not change at all, take the dictionary form.
Yo quiero comer.
I want to eat.
Yo no quiero comer.
I don’t want to eat.
Él quiere beber.
He wants to drink.
Él no quiere beber.
He doesn’t want to drink.
The first step: you need to read everything that is written in Spanish.
The second step: click the esconder button and translate everything from English into Spanish.
The third step: without opening the English version, make a written translation from English into Spanish.
Then open and check yourself.
con – with
y – and
aquí – here
qui – usually letter “u” is silent, if it stands between “q” and vowel
1. Mary come con Pedro. | 1. Mary eats with Pedro. |
2. Yo como con Julie. | 2. I eat with Julie. |
3. Él bebe con Pedro y Julie. | 3. He drinks with Pedro and Julie. |
4. Ellas comen y beben aquí. | 4. They (f) eat and drink here. |
5. Tú comes y bebes aquí. | 5. You eat and drink here. |
6. Vosotros coméis y bebéis aquí. | 6. You (m) eat and drink here. |
– Hola, Maria. ¿Quieres comer? – Hola, Juan. Sí, quiero comer y beber. – ¿Qué quieres? – Jugo y el bocadillo con queso. | – Hello, Maria. Do you to eat? – Hello, Juan. Yes, I want to eat and drink. – What do you want? – Juice and the sandwich with cheese. |
– ¿Comes carne? – No, no como. – ¿Qué tú comes? – Pescado y huevos. | – Do you eat meat? – No, I don’t eat. – What do you eat? – Fish and eggs. |
– ¿Qué queréis beber? – Nosotras queremos café y ellos quieren té. – Bien. ¿Qué queréis comer? – Ella quiere patata con pescado y él quiere sopa con pan. | – What do you (pl) want to drink? – We (f) want coffee and they (m) want tea. – Good. What do you want to eat? – She wants potato with fish and he wants soup with bread. |
This test checks:
1. All persons.
2. Words from blocks “comida” and “bebida”.
3. All forms of 3 verbs.
4. Translation of sentences.
Spanish M1

Online step-by-step course.
Level: beginner, elementary
Age: 14+
Price: free
(if you want you can donate anytime any amount)
1. You watch live online streams in the Facebook group.
2. Use this site to get all the needed information.
Duration: 2 months 2.06 – 28.07
1. ONE lesson a week:
Wednesday 19:00 – 20:00
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Every lesson has a FINAL TEST. It’s obligatory. When you take this test I can see your results.
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Online step-by-step course.
Level: beginner, elementary
Age: 14+
Price: free
(if you want you can donate anytime any amount)
1. You watch live online streams in the Facebook group.
2. Use this site to get all the needed information.
Duration: 2 months 2.06 – 28.07
1. ONE lesson a week:
Wednesday 19:00 – 20:00
To watch ONLINE stream go here: FACEBOOK GROUP
Every lesson has a FINAL TEST. It’s obligatory. When you take this test I can see your results.
Follow this link to see your results.